My Blog
This section provides helpful information for newcomers to infant massage seeking pre-class information, those who have completed classes and want to continue learning, or someone simply interested in infant massage.
I will regularly update this section to keep it relevant and informative. If you have any specific topics you'd like to learn more about, please let me know.
Benefits of infant massage
Infant Massage has been proven beneficial for children from birth through to school age. It is a Skill for Life that every parent should experience with their baby.
Infant massage offers many benefits for both babies and parents. These include:
1) Promotes bonding between the caregiver and the baby through eye contact, touch, and mutual interaction. The nurturing touch during massage helps strengthen the emotional connection and attachment between them. Additionally, infant massage has been found to provide physiological, psychological, and social benefits for babies.
2) Research suggests that infant massage may help alleviate tummy troubles such as indigestion and colic symptoms, and help with wind and constipation
3) As infant massage can also improve circulation, stimulate the baby's senses, and promote relaxation, it can help relieve teething pains, soothe babies when they are fussy, and promote better sleep.
4) The practice of baby massage has been shown to reduce postnatal depression and anxiety symptoms too. When we massage our baby, we can improve communication and increase happy hormones in both parents and baby. In addition, by reading to baby cues and attending to baby needs, our parental confidence towards baby handling will increased and improved too.
5) Children with special needs such as autism, down syndrome, ADHD and many more, have also been shown to benefit from infant massage.
6) Empowers parental journey: Parents who regularly massage their babies have been found to be more confident, and competent in handling their baby too; this is through reading baby cues during massage sessions, parents get to learn and know their baby better, both physically and mentally, which include addressing their baby needs.
Infant Massage is a non-invasive, gentle and cost-effective way to improve health & wellbeing of both parents and their children.
For parents who are interested to learn how to massage your baby, it is important that you take lessons from a Certified Paediatric Massage Consultant or Infant Massage Instructor. They will show you the correct massage routines and techniques, and explain to you the reasoning behind these techniques and theories. For those who have attended infant massage classes before, it is also a great opportunity to reinforce the massage routines and techniques you have learned by seeking support from your PMC or CIMI.
In summary, the main benefits of infant massage include strengthening the bond between caregiver and baby, providing physical and emotional comfort to the baby, promoting relaxation, and empowering parental journey.
Do I have to ask a permission to massage my baby?
General rule of thumb is, before we massage our baby, we always ask their permission and look for 'Yes' cue(s) to proceed.
Once we are ready to massage, we establish eye contact with our baby, rub both of our hands in front of them to perform a 'permission sequence' and followed by this question:' Do you want a massage now?'
You might ask:' Why do I have to ask them? Do they even know what that means?
I know, that sounds odd right! What our baby initially learns is, to recognise the permission sequence, and associate it with our verbal cues, in which they will respond to; this process can take a few weeks.
For example, when we start assembling a bottle, they know it is milk time! Our baby will gradually recognise what that hand signal means:' When mummy rubs her hands together, and asks me a question, that means it is time for a massage!'.
There are few reasons why we ask for a permission prior to massaging our baby:
It is so that we, as parents, can determine if it is appropriate to provide the baby with stimulation at that time
We want to show our baby that we care and respect them, even if they are just a baby!
We want to teach them what a respectful touch means; they can say (show) 'Yes' or 'No', if they wish, or not wished to be touched and their decision should be respected.
Whilst it will take weeks for a baby to learn how to respond to our hand gesture to ‘give’ us a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, it is definitely something that we should include in our next massage time: ‘ Do you want a massage now?’
Join one of our classes today to learn more about how to massage your baby.
How can infant massage alleviates postnatal depression symptoms?
Infant Massage: A Powerful Tool to Alleviate Postnatal Depression Symptoms
Postnatal depression is a condition that affects new mothers and can be debilitating if not treated early. It can result from hormonal changes, a lack of sleep, or simply the emotional and physical demands of motherhood.
Infant massage has recently gained attention as a powerful tool to alleviate postnatal depression symptoms. In this blog, we will discuss how infant massage can help alleviate postnatal depression symptoms and promote overall mental and emotional well-being.
What is Postnatal Depression?
Postnatal depression, also known as postpartum depression, is a type of depression that affects new mothers after childbirth. Symptoms can vary, but they may include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. New mothers may also experience fatigue, changes in sleep and appetite, and difficulty bonding with their baby.
It's essential to understand that postnatal depression isn't a sign of weakness or failure, and it can affect any new mother. The good news is that an array of treatment options can help manage the condition, including medication, psychotherapy and counselling, and in recent times, infant massage.
What is Infant Massage, and How Does it Help?
Infant massage is the art of using touch to promote a connection between parents and their babies. It involves a sequence of gentle and rhythmic strokes that can help promote relaxation and relieve discomfort in babies. Infant massage can help new mothers cope with stress and alleviate depression symptoms, as it promotes the release of oxytocin, a hormone that regulates mood and helps relieve stress.
Infant massage also enhances sleep quality for both mothers and babies, allowing for more restful and uninterrupted sleep. A good night of rest can contribute to overall emotional and physical well-being and promote an improved mood.
Moreover, infant massage can help foster a stronger connection between mothers and babies. Research has shown that mothers who engage in massage with their babies may experience less anxiety and stress levels, which can significantly improve symptoms of postnatal depression.
It is important to find the right technique to meet your baby's needs. Some babies respond better to specific massage techniques than others, so don't be afraid to tailor the experience to your baby's preferences. Because of these reasons, consider taking an infant massage class with a trained and certified Paediatric Massage Consultant or Infant Massage Instructor who can guide you on the best techniques for your baby's needs and teach you how to provide a safe and nurturing experience.
Postnatal depression is a real and common condition that can affect new mothers. However, infant massage can help alleviate symptoms of postnatal depression and improve overall mental and emotional well-being. By promoting relaxation, enhancing sleep quality, and fostering a deeper connection between mothers and babies, infant massage has become a powerful tool to help new mothers cope with postnatal depression. By taking time to learn the art of infant massage, new mothers can create a positive and nurturing experience for themselves and their babies.
At Baby Blossom Infant Massage, why I don't massage your baby in my infant massage classes?
In Australia and many other countries, a certified Paediatric Massage Consultant and Infant Massage Instructor does not massage your baby, their role is to show you how you can massage your baby, by using a demonstration doll.
You, as a parent, or primary caregiver, are the one who touch, and massage your baby.
Whilst it would be awesome to massage a baby directly (they are so adorable!!), this isn't considered the best practice, and does not achieve best outcomes for both babies and their parents.
An Indonesian friend told me that infant massage is gaining popularity there; parents send their babies to baby spa, in which they will be massaged by a Baby Massage 'Therapist', and parents get to enjoy a cuppa.
It's great that parents get to have a break while their baby is getting a massage. However, leaving our baby to a stranger alone to touch their body doesn't sound like a good idea.
Why does this matter??
You are the closest person to your baby, and they are in most relaxed state when they are handled by you, which increases the success of any massage session.
The impact of bonding and attachment on a baby is one of the most important benefits that infant massage can bring - Your baby needs to experience that with you, not with the therapist. Moreover, leaving your baby to a therapist, who could be a stranger to your baby, can break the trust and security for your baby.
Massaging your baby has proven to bring you benefits too, such as more confidence in parenting, bond better with your baby, reduction in stress level, and alleviate symptoms of postnatal depression and anxiety.
As a parent, you need to learn and know when, and how to help your baby in need. eg: when there's wind in tummy or colic attacks at night, you can massage your baby to ease their pain; a therapist won't be able to come to do that.
It is best to give a small amount of massage to your baby once or twice daily. Depending on their cues, the duration can be short, longer or not at all. It is difficult to do that in a fixed massage appointment or baby spa, as opposed to, at home comfortably with their own parents; this will lead to a very different outcome.
There are times that your baby may need treatments from a Baby Massage Therapist or Paediatric Physiotherapist, whose role can involve massaging a baby, either to relax, or help to improve the baby's health. In that situation, parents should always present in the room with their baby throughout the session.
The next time when someone asks:" Would you like me to massage your baby? I hope you know what the answer is :)
What would you do for 'Parent Relaxation', and why is it important when it comes to baby massage?
When a newborn baby arrives, they bring immense joy to a family. However, new parents can often feel overwhelmed and occasionally lose their temper while handling the baby. Some challenging situations include sleep deprivation, housework, settling a crying baby, and differing parenting approaches between parents.
As parents, it is crucial for us to look after ourselves, and learning how to relax is the key. Infant massage can be a relaxing experience for the baby. On the other hand, it is recommended that parents relax before massaging their baby, ensuring that the massage is as beneficial and enjoyable as possible for both the parent and the baby.
What do you do to relax? Personally, I enjoy listening to music, going for walks, and indulging in my favorite foods. Everyone can be different when it comes to finding ways to relax.
When I feel stressed, here are some techniques that I find useful:
Breathing exercises (also useful for anxiety):
Inhale through the nose and count in mind slowly: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Exhale through the mouth and count in mind slowly: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. This quick, easy, and effective method can be done anywhere, anytime. It helps calm the mind and bring focus to the present moment.
Parents should also consider getting a massage! (Who doesn't love a massage?) A study found that mothers who received massages experienced reduced depression and anxiety levels. Additionally, their stress hormone levels decreased, while serotonin levels increased. The impact of massage is truly amazing! Tip: Ask your partner or a friend to look after your baby for an hour, allowing you to recharge and replenish yourself. Return the favour to your partner next time! OR, simply ask your partner to give you a 10mins shoulder massage~
Mindfulness apps: Mindfulness means being aware and present. This practice has been proven to reduce stress, improve overall well-being, and help manage difficult emotions. While you can be mindful in whatever you do, I recommend trying these apps to get started:
Tide (good for focus, relaxation, and mindfulness, with beautiful music)
Smiling Mind
I know parents are always short on time? Even a few minutes of mindfulness can make a difference. Give it a try—you'll be glad you did!
Remember, there are always resources available to help us. Taking time for self-care is not selfish but necessary for our well-being, especially for parents with newborn babies. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's important that we look after ourselves and each other.
A relaxed state of mind can take us further on this journey called life. When we are relaxed while massaging our baby, they can sense it too and develop a better bond with us. Only when we are healthy and happy can we effectively care for those around us and share our happiness with our precious ones.
Reminder: The next time you find yourself rushing around or facing difficulties, take a few deep breaths. I hope you remember reading this post today and try these relaxation tools to make yourself feel better.
How can we teach our babies about 'consent' from infancy with infant massage?
"We should teach our children 'consent' as early as possible," I heard on a radio program discussing sexual assaults and offenses a few days ago.
Introducing young children to the abstract concept of consent can be challenging, let alone infants!
However, did you know that by massaging our babies, we are directly and consistently teaching them about consent?
How? Here are the key lessons we convey through infant massage:
1) Expression of Consent: We show babies that they can express "yes" or "no" to receiving a massage. By respecting their communication, we empower them to have a voice and assert their boundaries from an early age.
2) Ownership of Their Body: Through infant massage, we teach babies that they are in charge of their own bodies. We demonstrate that their body autonomy is crucial, emphasizing the importance of consent in all aspects of their lives.
3) Respecting Their Wishes: Whether a baby enjoys a massage or not, we honor their preferences and respect their wishes regarding touch. This teaches them the fundamental concept of consent and the significance of having their choices acknowledged.
These early lessons on consent build a foundation for understanding what respectful touch entails as babies grow older. They begin to comprehend the importance of treating others with respect and seeking permission before engaging in physical contact.
I must say, learning the concept of seeking permission, particularly when it comes to touch, was one of the most valuable lessons I gained from practicing infant massage. The benefits extend beyond the baby, as both parent and child grow together in their understanding of consent and mutual respect.
Integrating consent education into everyday activities, such as infant massage, is an impactful way to nurture a culture of respect, boundaries, and consent from the very beginning of a child's life. Let's continue to prioritize teaching our children about consent, starting from their earliest days. (29 July 2023)