Welcome to the Infant Massage In-service/ Training Section!
My in-service is for professionals working with families and children, including healthcare personnel and early childcare educators.
Infant massage has proven to be a valuable tool in promoting bonding, relaxation, health and wellbeing in both infants and their parents. The studies encompassed a diverse population, including premature and full-term babies, children of various ages, and those with special needs.
During this one-hour theoretical session, I will introduce you to the importance and benefits of infant massage, incorporating the latest research findings. I will also address common 'myths and facts' about infant massage, accompanied by a massage demonstration.
Depending on the objective of your training, I will work with you and your organisation to customize the content according to your specific learning needs.
The knowledge of infant massage that you gained from this in-service will be invaluable to your work, whether you're seeking continuing professional development or seeking to provide a valuable tool to support the families you work with.